Write binray struct like C style in Javascript

Quick-Struct introduction

Sometimes JavaScript programmers need to parse binary data, or convert JSON objects into binary data and transmit it over the network.

Although there are many third-party libraries that implement JavaScript parsing binary data, these third-party libraries are cumbersome to use. And I find it most difficult to accept that it is impossible to quickly port the structure definitions of the C language to Javascript.

So I write another library Quick-Struct, which is used to easily define data struct`from C language to JavaScript.

It can work on Node.js, Deno and Browser. There is no other dependeic libraries and pure JavaScript

You can install Quick-Struct from Quick-Struct NPM

Basic usage

It is very like C language style struct definition. There is an example

// Import quick-struct
import {qs} from 'quick-struct'

// This is test binary data
const buffer = new UInt8Array([12]);

// 1. Define struct
const struct = qs`
struct {
  u8 num;

// 2. Parse binary data
const result = struct.decode(buffer).toJson();

console.log(result.num); // Output: 12

Now I have defined a struct, it have a field num, and the field is unsigned int data type. The struct object can parse a byte binary data.

qs is string template function, you don't need add bracket with it.

Evenly it is not very usage, and there is more cool thing is Quick-Struct* can parse String Type** automatic.